Sunday, September 22, 2013

War; The Black Wall

I have never really known any one closely who had been to war. While my grandfather served in the Vietnam War, he was stationed in San Francisco and therefor spent most of his time ironing shirts and enjoying San Fran's bustling streets.  Even so all my life I have herd from and met people who did go to war, in my classes and through media.
In my 8th grade year, I went on the annual 8th grade trip to Washington D.C during spring break. On the last of our five crazy days in D.C, we took 20 minutes to go see the Vietnam Wall. At the time, I knew nothing about the Vietnam War other then that it was never actually declared a war. All I saw was a black wall.
Last year, I took U.S history in school, and we studied the Vietnam War with more detail then I have ever learned the war in.  I now can say that I believe it was the worst of all wars America has ever had to fight or live through.  The amount of innocent people killed because of the hidden soldiers among them, and the duties that American men where forced to do is equal to nothing less then horrific. Then the amount of hate that developed back in the U.S because of the media, officially destroyed all the hope that those soldiers had, and they came back broken men.
The Vietnam War did not only destroy lives, it destroyed humans chance to live with themselves. All the honor that these men thought they had, was gone after the frist troops where sent across the pacific. I hope to back  to that black wall someday and pay my true respects, for those who where involved in this war of hate and fear. They deserve the honor back that was stolen with their lives.  It would be one of the greatest gifts I could give.

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